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Best of Comedy
Guess Who's not Coming to Breakfast Lunch or Dinner
Set in 1956 propaganda filled, nuclear bomb scared America, the Swanson family has a peculiar taste for entertaining their guests.
Free Pie
A traumatic comedy about life, death, pie and death.
No Handling Fees
A postman struggling with sexual anxiety assists a drunken woman to her home and things take a turn for the worse.
The Supper
Disconnected, but loving family's ill-fated Erev Shabbat dinner.
Something More Than Nothing
Everyone hits a wall with the linguistic duality of Montreal
Good Hands
A young couple makes the unfortunate mistake of leaving their baby in the hands of a teenager.
Death Has A Son
Not looking to die young, Natalie makes a tawdry bargain with the Reaper: sex for her life.
Feminist Rapper
Genna must choose between her values in obscurity or fame with "Dick of Giants".
Russell Curtis
The first man has been sent back in time.
Foleywood: The Legend of Boomer Lav
An apprentice must pick up the pieces in the now cutthroat sound industry.
The Talk
Students die of embarrassment in a sex education class.
Nicola est en retard
Nicola, un jeune Asperger, voit sa routine matinale bouleversé lorsqu'un inconnu l'interpelle.