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YoungCuts Launches New Film Festival Submission Service
YoungCuts officially launches "Without A Doubt" Submission Service
This new submission service works for filmmakers of all ages, identifying film festivals that need more great short films, then submitting films to those festivals on behalf of filmmakers.
However, the service is quite unlike other film festival submission services,because it is invitation-only, only works with elite filmmakers, and filmmakers only pay when their films are officially selected.
YoungCuts Chairman Jay Moulton explained, "The service is invitation-only because it promotes only those films that have strong potential for multiple successes on the film festival circuit. Filmmakers of all ages can use the service, but only the best are invited to participate."
The fact that participating filmmakers only pay when their films are officially selected by film festivals, is a dramatic departure from the industry status quo.
The service has been under development since 2012, when YoungCuts quietly began sharing films with other film festivals, and exploring the service features that were most important to filmmakers and film festivals.
On one hand, film festivals improve the quality of short films for their festival, at no cost and with less work.
On the other hand, filmmakers have been enjoying impressive success rates with the new service. To date, about 45% of all submissions made by the service have been officially selected at other film festivals.
Filmmakers can find out more about the service by visiting:
Filmmakers who have not received invitations to participate are invited to contact the Submission Service Director, Max Bianchi, at 514-285-4591 or to find out how to apply.