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YoungCuts Early-Bird Deadline for Submissions is January 31st!
Reminder of YoungCuts Early-Bird Deadline
It is that time of year again, when we make our call for submissions for Great Short Films by the World’s Best Young Filmmakers 29 and under.
If you are 29 or under and are planning to submit a film this year, keep in mind that even if you haven’t completed your film yet, you can still benefit from our early-bird fees by submitting the name of your film and paying the submission fee before January 31st. The early-bird fee is $20 if your film is under 5 minutes including credits or $30 if it is 5-30 minutes long.
This year, we are providing a new way for filmmakers and film fans to participate in the festival and for films to be selected for the festival: our People’s Choice voting. Filmmakers who submit a film and pay the submission fee will have access to watch films from past festivals, as well as submissions for this year’s festival. For this year’s submissions, they will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites. Each month, we will select at least one film based on public voting.
Film fans, YoungCuts alumni not submitting a film this year and the general public also have the opportunity to watch and vote on films by paying a subscription fee equivalent to the price of a movie ticket.
Courtesy of Canadian Heritage, we also have some free films from previous festivals for you to watch and vote for your favourites:
Please help our mission to promote the great work of young filmmakers!
Tell your filmmaking friends to submit their films! Tell your friends, family and film fans to check out the free YoungCuts films (and buy a subscription to see more!)
We look forward to seeing the progress of your work!