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People's Choice: Teen Winners
Announcing the People's Choice Winners in the Teen Category. These films were voted by YOU, the festival audience.
The winners are
Weight by Zachary Silverstein
Lucidity by Sam Fruitman
You Be the Judge by Amy Silverr
The Culture of Vinyl by Eliza Moley
Expression by Noah Bartel
Not Just Diagnosis by heather Caddie
Click HERE to see the People's Choice Winners gallery as it grows!
The People's Choice Galleries to date are still free to watch!
If you are a young filmmaker (29 or under) you can submit your film today for the 2013 YoungCuts Film Festival.
If you would like to see more "Great Short Films by the World's Best Young Filmmakers" including award winners from previous festivals, you can subscribe to watch hundreds of short films from the YoungCuts film festival.
All of these films are free to watch!
If you would like to watch more than 500 films in our other galleries you can subscribe HERE.
The YoungCuts Film Festival is the Premiere International Showcase for Great Short Films by the World's Best Young Filmmakers (29 and under).
Established in 2001, every year, the festival selects its Top 100 International Short Films from more than a thousand films from over 30 countries.